Saturday, September 21, 2013


Hi! So I was on my account (add me I'm pumpitup2244) when my BFF was at my house and she was like, "what is that?" and I told her I was on movie star planet and explained to her what it was, and I could tell she was interested before I was finished telling her what it was. I asked her if she wanted an account and she was so happy, but confused. She didn't know what to do when I logged off of my account and let her make a movie star. She was puzzled when I told her what to do, so I just clicked on the button that says "New User". She figured it out by then, and I must say she can make quite a pretty movie star! I showed her how to add people and make looks, art books, and movies. I showed her how to play games, go to chat rooms, and report and block bad people. She only had ONE FRIEND THOUGH! She looked confused. She asked me why she only has 1 friend and I explained to her the answer. She was so upset!!! Please add her! Her username is: kittenzpurple P.S She is real nice!!!!!

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